The history of the cloud computing industry tells us that it started with cloud applications like Google Apps, Netsuite, Taleo, and more. It was the 2010s when clouds got advanced with the pioneers of computer engineering developing platforms like AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. It was the cloud-first stance which is a set of business practices that aims to utilize cloud services as much as possible to pilot, test, and run services. This year most of the businesses have opted for cloud services, and the cloud investments have escalated because of the pandemic.

 There are still some unmanageable zones where cloud has not yet pervaded however some of the businesses today are asking ‘why, not cloud?’ rather than ‘why cloud?’ It is the default arrangement mode for the enhanced IT yet does that dependence on a deployment model incur a risk? The short answer is ‘yes’. Developments to IT dependencies have generally caused more hazards since those consistent days of the IBM centralized computer, as they have ordinarily included more storehouses and IT has gotten more distributed. Pair to this pace of IT change has been a quickly advancing cyber threats scene which presently can deliver dangers and sabotage security on each infrastructure possible.

Cloud Service Issues

Cloud Service Issues

 When we switch to the cloud, we see the possible benefits of the service and overlook the issues that come with it. The huge benefits are looked into, sidelining the issues like the pricing, power consumption, availability of service, energy management, resource provisioning, aspects of security, and load balancing. Some of the prime issues and the reason for it are:

  • Not choosing the right cloud hosting service provider
  • Neglecting the connectivity
  • Not getting the service level agreement (SLA) right
  • Overestimated compensation when the provider breaches the SLA
  • Failing to monitor the SLA effectively
  • Failing to understand the method to get your data back or move it to some other provider
  • The assumption that using a cloud storage provider gets you rid of all of your security responsibilities
  • Fixating on costs without considering other factors

Now let us look at the concerns related to the Cloud Outage in detail which is the real issue that we have to deal with.

●    Cloud is not flawless

 Cloud computing is escalating and we are entering another time where strategic ventures are getting key and there is a return to arrange that is seeing more CIOs endeavor to reign in what they have and present controls that decrease siloes cut down expenses, and moderate risks. We currently rely upon cloud benefits regardless of whether we don’t understand where our information is residing or going at some point in time. We abound in the idea that our information is by one way or another safe, took care of by the web and cloud giants so we develop our trust and up. Yet, a badly arranged question shows up: what happens when everything goes down?

●    Cloud services are not invulnerable

It is not invulnerable from outages, hacking, acts of God, or worse. In 2019 alone, we saw Office 365 Exchange Online go down, in a matter of seconds to be followed by other Microsoft services. At that point, there was Google Gmail and Drive, Azure, Google Cloud, Salesforce, AWS, and more platforms for consumers like Facebook, Instagram, and Apple Cloud. On the off chance that these powerful services can go down, anything can, so we have to have an arrangement to quickly reestablish for the worst-case scenario.

Cloud services are not invulnerable

If we see who is responsible for it then there is an ongoing McAfee report according to which, 69 percent of CISOs trust their cloud suppliers to keep their information secure, and 12 percent accept cloud specialist co-ops. They are exclusively responsible for the security of the data. The reality of the situation is that cloud security is a mutual responsibility. With an end goal to teach cloud clients on what is expected of them, the cloud providers have made a cloud shared responsibility model (SRM). Basically, the SRM signifies that clients are liable for ensuring the security of their data that resides in the cloud, similarly as they are answerable for it on-premises. This does not change for an alternate cloud deployment type. Clients are completely liable for ensuring the security of their information and personalities, on-premises resources, and the cloud components you control.

By 2023 it is expected that in any event 95 percent of cloud security failures will be a direct result of client blunder, basically not maintaining their piece of the SRM. In this way, with regards to a significant cloud-based help having an outage, a client actually has to know the amount of the responsibility and hard work for recovery is on them.

Overcoming With The Cloud Issues

It needs a web-scale plan that can merge all remaining problems, information, and applications (whether or not they are on-premises, in the cloud, or both), onto one platform for recovery. This moves organizations from being powerless against a single point of failure. De-duplication, indexing, and search are required as well or there is a high possibility of “bill shock” when you out of nowhere understand that each one of those cheap cloud services can add up to very large sums if not managed wisely.

overcoming the cloud issues

Progressive firms are discovering ways to utilize their backup data, instead of putting a strain on the production environment. Utilizations incorporate threat prevention, test and dev work, analytics, reporting, and verification. Today on average, it takes on five vendors to give data management across on-premises and multiple cloud environments. That requires to change, as we move from an existence where the cloud is received in an ad-hoc way to one where the cloud is IT, we have to reexamine its help foundation and the responsibility model related to it. The discussion around making sure about your information and infrastructure has definitely moved with cloud services showing up and developing, and has now proceeded onward; how a client deals with its information both on-premises, in the cloud, and the edge and the resulting security dictates the achievement of its IT strategy.

At the point when the following significant cloud outage happens, the enterprise IT team is as yet answerable for keeping up IT services to its clients. Furthermore, in case you are understanding this and asking yourself the question ‘what do we do if our greatest cloud supplier goes down?’ you have to begin finding the answers. For it is the mission success for the businesses that are on the line in case of a significant cloud outage, not just the cloud distributors.


 Cloud has been one of the prime technologies that are transforming and encouraging innovation across the world. With the pandemic, more people have understood the importance of clouds and new ideas are coming up as well. Soon, we are going to see the whole world opting for the cloud services but the Cloud Outage has to be taken into consideration before and after switching to it. The important factors that have been mentioned above in the article have to be kept in mind so that you choose the right service and make the use of it in an efficient manner.

Author Name: Vishwa Deepak

Author Bio: As a content strategist and writer associated with Sagenext, I do more than just stringing letters together into words. My core competency lies in producing useful and amazing content related to technology trends, business, cloud computing, Quickbooks hosting, and finance.

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