30-Second Summary

  • Menstruation is the discharge of blood from the vagina due to the shedding of the uterus lining if pregnancy doesn’t take place.
  • Menstruation can cause PMS or premenstrual symptoms in many women due to the sudden drop in estrogen and progesterone levels.
  • The blood loss during periods may seem excessive, but in reality, it is just about two to three tablespoons.
  • Pregnancy is possible during menstruation, especially in women with shorter cycles.
  • It’s perfectly safe to skip periods using hormonal contraceptives occasionally.
  • Sudden and extremely painful cramps may point towards serious health risks.
  • Spotting between period cycles doesn’t always indicate a health problem.
  • There’s heavy bleeding and more severe cramps during perimenopause in women.


The beginning of menstruation is one of the most significant events in any woman’s life. After all, it prepares her for the journey of motherhood. However, the sad part is that despite being an essential part of a woman’s life, menstruation isn’t often talked about enough.

Yet, the times are evolving. Women are becoming more vocal about period talks. They also do not think of it as a shameful aspect of their life that they have to hide. So, if you’re here to get to know some must-known 9 facts about menstruation, read on!

9 Important Facts About Menstruation

Most of us know what menstruation is. In simple terms, it stands for vaginal bleeding that takes place as a part of a girl’s monthly cycle until the symptoms of menopause kick in. The blood comes from the uterus lining, which is shed when there’s no pregnancy.

Now, let’s focus more on some lesser-known facts on menstruation, as discussed below.

PMSing Is Real

Although people tend to make PMS-ing jokes, the truth is that it’s an actual phenomenon. PMS, or Premenstrual Syndrome, happens due to a dramatic change in hormone levels. Estrogen and progesterone levels fall severely after ovulation if you’re not pregnant. This sudden drop may lead to physical as well as emotional symptoms. According to research, over 90% of women face premenstrual symptoms such as bloating, mood swings, and headaches, too. Now, the degree of symptoms varies from person to person. Some women may have less severe premenstrual symptoms, whereas some might experience a lot of pain.

The Blood Loss Is Minimal During Menstruation

Many women think they lose a lot of blood while menstruating. However, here’s the truth: You only lose about two to three tablespoons of blood during your periods. So, no matter how heavy you bleed it, it’s not enough to drain you out of blood! In certain cases, the bleeding might be more excessive than normal. Therefore, there are chances of anemia if you have extremely heavy bleeding and have to change pads or tampons repeatedly. Consulting a doctor could help rule out any abnormalities.

Pregnancy Is Possible Even During Menstruation

We need to debunk the myth that getting pregnant during menstruation is simply impossible. It is because sperms can sustain and survive in human bodies for up to seven days. If you have a shorter cycle and have sexual intercourse at the end of it, there are chances of getting pregnant. So, it is best to use contraceptive methods even when you’re on your period if you wish to avoid pregnancy.

You’re Allowed To Skip Your Period

We all know that periods tend to pop up at times when we don’t want them to! For instance, during a romantic trip or any other important event. However, you can try to skip your period occasionally using birth control methods. It’s typically safe and quite common among most women. Birth control methods or hormonal contraceptives work by naturally thinning the endometrial lining of your uterus. Therefore, there’s no need for periods, which makes it safe. However, note that you shouldn’t skip your periods too often as it may lead to withdrawal bleeding.

Extremely Painful Cramps Indicate A Serious Problem

Cramps are a standard part of menstruation as the uterus contracts to shed its lining. Now, the intensity of cramps is always variable as some women may experience severe cramps whereas some may not. Yet, you need to remember one thing. If you experienced mild cramps before and suddenly the pain has gotten too much, you need to consult a doctor. Sudden and extreme cramps may point to serious problems, such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis. Note, severe cramps could also be one of the symptoms of menopause.

Spotting Isn’t Always Risky Between Period Cycles

Sometimes, you may wake up and find that there is light bleeding or ‘spotting’ between period cycles. However, it is not always a cause of concern as spotting can be due to hormonal imbalance. Note that spotting also occurs due to cervical or uterine cancer in the worst-case scenario. So, how can you find out whether your spotting is serious or not? Generally, if you experience spotting at the same time every month, it may be due to hormonal imbalance. But, if you experience spotting all of a sudden and it goes on, you should consult an expert.

Menstruation Can Affect Your Sound and Smell

Menstruation causes various hormonal changes. These changes reflect on both the scent and sound of women when they’re menstruating. The reproductive hormones may affect the vocal cords, leading to a slightly different sound. Similarly, these hormones also affect the natural smell of women. You can examine reproductive infertility and its cure through better nutrition, it is important for your health.

Cold Weather Can Affect Your Periods

If you’re observant, you may have noticed that the period flow and pain intensify during the winter months. Well, it is proven that cold weather can affect your periods. The reasons behind it may differ – as some suggest that it’s because of poor indoor activity whereas some blame low water consumption during winter months.

Perimenopause Period Can Get More Painful

Perimenopause stands for ‘around menopause’ and is the time before the menopause cycle. During this time, women may experience heavy bleeding, along with severe cramps. This increased intensity of periods during perimenopause occurs due to fluctuating estrogen levels and low progesterone levels.

The phenomenon of menstruation only comes to an end when menopause takes place. Now, menopause comes with its own set of problems, such as vaginal dryness and itching. Yet, there are products, like Kindra, that regulate the vaginal pH, keep your vagina hydrated, and soothe any pain.


Menstruation is an important part of every lady’s life. It becomes necessary to gain as much information related to it as you can. This way, you can keep yourself healthy and steer clear of any menstruation-related health problems.

Perimenopause is the time before the menopause cycle. As a woman, you won’t be able to escape this. However, the experience shouldn’t have to be scary. There are many activities you’ll still be able to do while going through this phase.

If you experience vaginal dryness or pain due to friction, Kindra may be able to help keep your vagina well hydrated. But speak with your gynecologist before taking any supplement.

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