Finding the right translation experts isn’t easy. If you want to hire translation pros for your business, you’re going to run into a couple of problems. Knowing what they are along with possible solutions to those issues—can make the hiring and selection process a lot easier for you and your recruitment team. Here’s some of what you can expect.

Problem: Incomplete Resume Data

Sometimes, it’s hard to hire translators because they fail to provide complete details in their resume or online portfolios. You’d think that they would give that information on their resumes, but many don’t. It’s not until you talk to them in an interview that you find out their fluency in other languages and can provide translation services in those, too. With incomplete data, you won’t be able to make a sound hiring decision.

Solution: Ask Them in Interviews

If the resume is incomplete, there’s an easy fix to that: make sure you’re always thorough with your questions. That way, you can get all the information you need from the prospective translators on your list. By preparing all those questions in advance, you can cover a lot of ground. The more information you have on the translators, the easier it is to decide which option suits you best.

Problem: Freelancer or Agency? 

When you look for translation help, one of the first choices you’ll need to make is to decide whether to go for Dutch to English translators or to hire an agency that offers translation services. Some go for translators because they only provide a small volume of work. Others pick an agency because they have a lot of content that they need to get translated, and agencies often have big teams to handle the job, so turnaround times are much faster.

Solution: Consider Your Needs

The best way to decide is to go over the needs of your project. Which one is a good fit for you? Do you prefer to work with a freelancer? If you choose an agency, you can always request the same translator, so there’s a sense of ownership over the work, too, much as there would be if you hire a single freelancer to work on all your current and subsequent projects. Plus, you get to know the translator over time, and that builds camaraderie and familiarity. That makes it easier to discuss points in the output. You can bring up minor issues or talk about trying a different creative direction without worry, knowing that the translator is on the same page with you.

Problem: Difficulty in Finding Translators 

Coming up with a shortlist of options can be a bit of a daunting task. Searching online means you’ll have to scour through sites and pages. This is bound to be a time-consuming task to find English to Dutch Translator. If you’re in a bit of a hurry, though, or you want to cut through all that, there are easier ways to find the translation services you need.

Solution: Look for a Platform 

There are sites where freelancers or agencies advertise their services and where prospective employers like you can go to get the talents or assets you need. The advantage of a platform is that it makes it much more convenient and more comfortable for you to find translation service providers as they’re now all in one place. Also, you can check out profiles with confidence, knowing that the site has a solid reputation for reputable talents. Don’t forget to go over the other essential details. For instance, how much is the rate? Is that within your budget? How long will you need the firm’s services? Will you consider a long-term arrangement or setup? How about the goals of a long-term project?

Problem: Any Translator Will Do 

A common misconception of many firms is that you can hire just about any translator you find, and it would still be all right. You’d even get the same results. But that’s not the case. Some translators work with legal documents, while others handle medical files. Some are much better in translating creative works. Translation service providers often specialize in a field. Some firms, though, might have multiple experts on the team, so they can handle projects that might involve diverse topics.

Solution: Choose a Specialization 

The best thing to do is find a translation service that specializes in the subject matter or areas that your business is involved in. Their industry knowledge and expertise guarantee stellar results. By hiring pros who know the jargon, who can tell how to render the language register in a way that’s authentic, and who knows how to use the word choice that effectively captures the heart and soul of the piece translated, you know your business has partnered up with the right professional. That’s the sense of certainty you want when you hire a translation pro or firm.


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